Join this monthly drawing class to meditate on plants. We will use different art techniques playing with form and colour, observation and imagination. The class varies from being gently led, building one’s instinctive response, or coming together to reflect. We will also occasionally look at the work of other artists. The overall aim is to use art to come into connection with the essence of the plant.
Usually the last Monday of the month: The first quarter of the year dates are:
JAN 27th
FEB 24th
MARCH 31st
APRIL 28th
If you sign-up once you will be emailed the details each month (and are free to leave the list anytime)
(the class will be held on zoom, bring a sketch-pad or good quality watercolour paper, drawing pencils, charcoal and watercolours - any specific materials and plant instructions will be emailed before the class)
The classes are not recorded - I prefer to teach in the moment, this is so we are free as a group, and if any deep responses people have are liberated from anyone else to see or hear in the future. We also then keep the moment with each plant in our hearts, and learn through the experience.
“I can’t thank you enough. I’m going to draw the feeling of the Borage as a cascade though my body as an after image. I totally loved the whole experience. You are such an amazing creative midwife. I learnt so much, you couldn’t give me more. ”
“These meditations have meant more to me than I think I can understand. Honestly! Tears are streaming down my cheeks! Maybe it’s just so good to finally really ‘see’ these beautiful plants have been here with me the whole time… Or maybe in seeing them, I am finally seeing myself. ”