Plants & the peaceful art of being focused
How do you attain an alpha-state of calm and increased focus (flow state) more regularly everyday? Largely associated with meditation, the alpha state of mind is calming and restorative – you are relaxed but actively able to concentrate and increase your focus. Clear cognitive thinking, recall, insight and intuition are other benefits of finding this focused and relaxed flow state*. Alpha brain waves can stimulate creativity and minimise depression. (Psychology Today).
Both plants, and art can help.
There are specific art techniques (and plants!) that help you naturally find this level of concentration. Everyone struggles at times to focus and get things done. We all have a need to be focused and take action, and be productive - no matter what kind of work or lifestyle we have. It is a modern requirement. However, if we take a moment to exercise our brains by drawing from nature, you can see a big difference in your ability to concentrate. In my classes, by observing and experiencing the natural botanical forms, repeating the plant’s patterns, noticing details or connecting dynamically to plant colour - the alpha state happens very quickly. It get’s very quiet, sometimes emotions release, there are reports of deep relaxation and people have incredible insights from the quiet concentrated state they find themselves in.
Of course, just connecting to plants, walking in nature, or putting more plants into your environment (such as at home or in your office) are known by themselves to bring calm, lower blood pressure and increase concentration too.
If you would like to try how drawing plants becomes a meditation that enables you to drop into this state, I run a monthly class. It also brings you into an encounter with the essence or medicine of that particular plant. They are held on the last Monday of each month, online - easy to access. 7-8pm (UK time. Please note it is not recorded).
Botanical Art Classes, Art Therapy with Plants, School of Botanical Arts
* (Kounios, J., Fleck, J. I., Green, D. L., Payne, L., Stevenson, J. L., Bowden, E. M., & Jung-Beeman, M. (2007). The origins of insight in resting-state brain activity. Neuropsychologia, 46(1), 281-91)