Red Campion and the Fire of Transmutation
The first flower of 2020 that spoke to me was the red campion. She was still flowering in January in the cold, with a heart on each petal, she was a new year prayer to trust there would be love and warmth and gentleness from every direction. This past week, I have noticed her again everywhere. I was working with fire, whilst in a study of Umbanda traditions. When I opened my sketchbook I found a story about the Campion, the characters spoke of recapitulation, assistance from long gone ancestors, plant wisdom and about trusting her powers of transmutation. When I sat in reverence to the fire I was making as an offering, I noticed the plant around me in every direction. The fire went through many forms, but the essence of this flower helped me recognise something older about the stories we inherit, stories in our blood. Perhaps they are difficult and also unconscious memories perfectly etched onto our DNA. Perhaps they are perfectly repeated down family lines, simple cause and effect. Until, some event is triggered and the pattern of this story or memory or past event sparks up a storm and the heart in it’s remembering needs tending. I found myself feeling that this flower and this element of fire can transmute everything, it can clear the past, return balance - and finally when it’s burned all it needs to burn, and transformed as much as it needs, it will sweetly assist in the process of recapitulation. Then the emotions will balance and a calmer fuller energy returned.
The Red Campion essence is available here
Red Campion May 2020